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Brain Education
& Family and Character Building
Brain Education
& Schools

 “In the second decade of the 21st century, preparing our students to be good environmental citizens is some of the most important work any of us can do. It is for our children, and our children's children, and generations yet to come. Education and sustainability are the keys to our economic future—and our ecological future.” – 

Source: The Greening of the Department of Education: Secretary Duncan's Remarks at the Sustainability Summit

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010

“Brain Education 5 steps are designed to help us to recognize our power to  be our best selves.....To make positive thoughts, emotions and actions. To rid ourselves of all negativity.This is the essence of character building. In mastery...all decisions are based upon what is the good for the individual..what is good for humanity and what is good for the earth.

A fully developed Brain always will choose the thought, emotion and action that is for the greater good. This is the fully developed character.

This is why Brain Education can save the world!” – Judy Smith

The burden of chronic disease is growing in the United States, as rising rates of obesity and physical inactivity are leading to more diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Particularly worrisome is that the onset of chronic disease is shifting to younger-age cohorts, who are still participating in the labor market. This shift increases the economic burden of chronic disease, as illness-related loss of productivity is added to the cost of medical care. To counter this trend, employers are adopting health promotion and disease prevention strategies, taking advantage of their access to employees at an age when interventions directed at healthy behaviors can still change the trajectory of their long- term health.

Among these strategies are company-sponsored wellness programs, which range from changes to the working environment, such as providing healthy food options in the cafeteria, to comprehensive interventions that support employees in adopting and sustaining healthy lifestyles, such as exercise and weight loss programs.

However, in spite of widespread availability, the actual participation of employees in such programs remains limited. While no nationally representative data exist, a 2010 nonrepresentative survey suggests that typically fewer than 20 percent of eligible employees participate in wellness interventions.

We believe BE will help employees become aware of their physical and mental habits that are detrimental to their overall well-being. Their awareness will create a shift in their thinking and begin to see the benefits of taking care of themselves and become more productive employees.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) mental health includes "subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others." WHO further states that the well-being of an individual is encompassed in the realization of their abilities, coping with normal stresses of life, productive work and contribution to their community.


Brain Education promotes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive improvements, including positive effects on learning efficiency, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, and stress coping strategies.

Brain Education
& Worksite Wellness
Brain Education
& Mental Health

Five Pillars for a Sustainable Society


Learn from a Panel of Experts the Integration of BE. 

Brain Education
& Nutrition
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