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Brain Education

     Brain Education (BE) is an educational program for developing our innate human capacity to reach health, well being, optimal achievement, and peacefulness through managing our brain effectively.


     “I think I can, I think I can”. This commonly known mantra has more power than we realize. The brain does more than help you to put one foot in front of the other – the brain is a powerhouse of potential and kinetic energy that when mastered can make anything manifest. So how does one go about mastering their brain and harnessing their full brain potential? Brain Education!

     We often think about our brain in terms of its cognitive processing powers such as reading and math. But the brain guides all our activities–from breathing and muscle movement to sensations and emotions, to our analytical capacity. Not only is the brain of each individual containing all of his or her functions. It is the origin and the fundamental common denominator for all humankind. It contains all of our human history, behavior and experience, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender or any other identity boundaries.

Based on this reality, Brain Education brings out the best in the human spirit, our essential commonalities, through improving self-management, communication and productivity. BE is a modern revision of traditional Eastern mind and body training integrated with neuroscientific findings. The BE approach is deeply experiential. People participate in physical, emotional and cognitive exercises, as well as postures, breathing techniques, guided imagery and games designed to improve sensory awareness, motor control, balance, emotional regulation, attention, imagination and creativity.

5 Laws of BOS
(Brain Operating System)
Wake Up and Pay Attention!
Good news makes a good brain!
Choose. If you'll choose it,
it will happen!
Become the master
of time and space!
Design all circumstances!
The Five Steps of Brain Education
Step 1: Sensitizing

Brain-oriented purpose: Awakening the body-brain senses
Commonly Reported Benefits: Physical health, enhanced focus and awareness


Step 2: Versatilizing

Brain-oriented purpose: Making the brain more flexible and adaptable
Commonly Reported Benefits: Enhanced adaptability and creativity, more resilient mindset

Step 3: Refreshing

Brain-oriented purpose: Freeing one’s brain from negative memories
Commonly Reported Benefits: Positive outlook, self confidence

Step 4: Integrating

Brain-oriented purpose: Integrating brain functions and unleashing potential
Commonly Reported Benefits: Balanced, smoother behavior and activity

Step 5: Mastering

Brain-oriented purpose: Enhanced executive control and faculty of imagination
Commonly Reported Benefits: Realizing the power of choice and creation. Authorship of one’s life.

All five steps use brain based learning to increase one's brain potential and overall well being.
Brain Education Benefits (children)

     Studies of Brain Education for Enhanced Learning have found that the program promotes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive improvements, including positive effects on learning efficiency, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, and stress coping strategies. Following are summaries of three studies that used a control-group design.

     Learning efficiency. Twenty students at fifth grade level participated in a pilot Brain Education program twice weekly for twelve weeks. After completion of the program, they displayed significant improvements in five out of twelve tests of learning efficiency, including concentration, learning strategy, learning acceptability, self-control strategy, and emotional control strategy, as well as a global score of learning efficiency. In contrast, a control group of twenty students did not show improvements in any of these measures. (Oh et al. Effect of a brain respiration program on learning efficiency for elementary school age children. Korean Journal of Educational Research. 2004; 6: 42 (2): 511-42.)

      Multiple intelligences. Forty pre-schoolers (age 5) participated in a Brain Education program for thirty minutes daily, for five months. Compared to a control group of 40 children, the children in the Brain Education program showed significant improvements in six of eight different intelligences tested, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, body-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. (Kwak Yun-jung and Jo Tae-im, Effects of a brain development program on multiple intelligences. Journal of Brain Education. 2006; 12 (1): 1.)

     Emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies. Twenty-seven fifth grade students received the Brain Education curriculum once weekly, during their homeroom period, for thirty-five weeks. Compared to a control group of 25 students who practiced writing Chinese characters, children in the Brain Education group demonstrated greater emotional intelligence (for example emotional perception, expression, and control). Children also reported less stress and showed a preference for active stress coping strategies, compared to children in the control group. (Oh et al. Effectiveness of a brain-based health curriculum on children’s emotional intelligence, stress, and stress-coping strategies. Manuscript under review.)

Baseline comparison of Brain Education and control group
(40 students per group)
Differences between BE and control groups after five months
Brain Education Impact on Multiple Intelligences
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